COVID-19 Protocols


First Presbyterian Church is worshiping in the sanctuary each Sunday. Masks are required for choir members and those who will be working with children (Sunday School/Nursery). All other Worshippers can decide for themselves whether they want to wear masks or not. 


The Session and the Health Ministry Committee has closely followed CDC recommendations regarding pandemic restrictions for the past two years. Under recently revised metrics for community spread, Kalamazoo County is classified Medium with guidelines as follows:

  • If you are at high risk for severe illness, consult a healthcare provider about your need to wear a mask and other precautions
  • Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines and get tested if you have symptoms
  • People with symptoms, a positive test, or known exposure to someone with COVID-19 should follow CDC guidelines for self-isolation.

Following these guidelines, Session no longer mandates mask wearing in our building. We urge doing so if any of the above considerations are true for you. Anyone is always welcome to wear a mask at any time—it remains a leading way to prevent infection. By consensus of participants, the choir will continue to wear masks while singing, as will people in the nursery and Sunday School. Please respect those whose circumstances may differ from your own.



Please see our YouTube channel for our online worship, with new videos every Sunday at 10 a.m. 

Find Sermons online


We pray for each other. We will pray for you.

We pray for our community and our world in this uncertain season. We pray for people who are infected with COVID-19 and those facing quarantine. We pray for those who are afraid, lonely, overwhelmed, and unsure how they will make ends meet. We pray for the people who are most vulnerable to this disease. We pray for medical professionals, caregivers, researchers, and leaders responsible for decisions about fighting this virus.

We would be honored to pray for you and with you. Share your prayer requests below and our prayer team will confidentially pray for your request. Please let us know if you would like someone to contact you and we’re happy to call or email.


While we can’t promise to help everyone, we are going to do our best to be the hands and feet of Christ for our church community during this time of crisis. If you or someone you know is struggling, please let us know using the form below. Do not share private information without the person’s permission. Please do not promise any assistance before checking with us first. We will be connecting requests for help with those who are willing to serve and will do as much as we can.

Here are some ways that we may be able to help:

  • Meal delivery
  • Errands — Picking up groceries, prescriptions, etc.
  • Transportion — Both driver and passenger are requested for wear masks.
  • Phone calls or online chats with people who are isolated, anxious or need someone to talk to
  • Text messages
  • Greeting Cards
  • Prayer — We have people who can pray with you on the phone or on a video chat


There are many needs in our church family and in our community – and we want to do our best to meet those needs. Here at Kalamazoo First Presbyterian, we will help to connect the helpers with those needing help in the most effective ways we can.

Help can be given in a variety of ways! Fill out the form below and check all areas of interest and we will contact you as requests come in. Please use the comments box to share details about how you can help.


Any additional questions or concerns? Please contact us.