The Rev. Kathleen Robertson King

Parish Associate

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Kathleen graduated from Western Michigan University with a BSW in 1992, and was a young adult volunteer through the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) working with unhoused teenagers in Peterborough, England in 1992-1993. She graduated from Louisville Seminary in 1999, and was ordained in 2000. Kathleen is a campus minister at United Campus Ministry in Kalamazoo, which provides students with service/learning and social justice opportunities rooted in racial equity work in Kalamazoo and beyond. She is married to Kevin, a librarian, and mother to two delightful young adult daughters, Abigail and Rachael. Kathleen adores art in all its forms, including paintings, movies, novels, poetry, an eclectic selection of music, time in the kitchen, and is always up for a walk in the great outdoors, no matter the weather.  For Kathleen, life without a dog is incomplete.